Confirmation Training
Confirmation and new member training led by the pastor is open to all persons. Confirmation training generally involves the study of the Small Catechism, including teachings on The Lords Prayer, Baptism and Holy Communion. The length of the training can vary depending upon the size and age of the confirmands. Only persons who are at least 13 years old are eligible to become confirmed members and receive voting rights and privileges of confirmed members. If you or your child would like to begin confirmation and or new member training, please contact the pastor.
The church council is made up of adult members of the church who have been elected by the congregation to guide the parish for the year, and make plans for the future. Each council member is the director of' his or her area of responsibility as described in the by-laws of the constitution.
The Church Council are trustees who act on behalf of the church membership. The Church Council has the principal responsibility for fulfillment of the church's mission and the legal accountability for its operations. This means that as a group, they are in charge of establishing a clear organizational mission, forming the strategic plan to accomplish the mission, overseeing and evaluating the plan's success, calling Pastors and providing adequate supervision and support to that individual, ensuring financial solvency of the organization, interpreting and representing the community to the organization, and instituting a fair system of policies and procedures for human resource management. The council officers are President , Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
The choir is vital to the life of Tabernacle and we encourage all members to prayerfully consider joining for the following reasons:
The choir is an opportunity for personal involvement. When you join a choir, you are doing ministry together. Secondly, the choir is an extension of the pulpit. The choir takes on a pastoral role, and it brings a rich dynamic to the theme or message of that particular service. Finally, Tabernacle’s choir is blessed to be led by its gifted musician and musical director Peter Charalambiidis.
Our FOOD BANK is open two Wednesdays a month, from 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM to all community residents who may be in need of food supplies. The TLC FOOD BANK is operated by various volunteers, many of whom are members of our Social Ministry Committee. Ms. Annie Armstrong and Pat Moore currently serve as the FOOD BANK coordinators. In order to receive food, persons must be able to submit proper Identification and a valid state voucher authorizing that they can receive the food. Vouchers can be obtained at the office of our State Representative, which is located at : 6027 Ludlow Street Unit A,
Philadelphia, PA 19139
Phone: (215) 748-6712
Fax: (215) 748-1687
Our bible study classes are open to anyone interested in studying the Word of God. the Adult Bible Study class meets on Sundays at 9:30 AM . The mid week bible study class meets on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM .
Our weekly discussions are generally related to the scripture readings taken from the Revised Common Lectionary, but may vary as well. Please come and bring your bible!